FlorenceBot for DeadFred

Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in DeadFred's chat.

Number Quote Game Quoted By
211 Emily - "My brain sucks, spread the word" mspeachyxo
210 Emily - "We finally get in a vehicle together, strangle me" mspeachyxo
209 "Oh for fucks fucking fuck" - Emily deanpcmad
208 "Nothing but head" - Emily deanpcmad
207 "Mandatory butt chugs" - Emily deanpcmad
206 Em - oshiPissed "You crotch shotting, shit lord" mspeachyxo
205 Em - "WHY am I out here dry and butterless" mspeachyxo
204 Em -"No my boo'lets, suck it" mspeachyxo
203 "Dude, the RECOIL. I've never pulled down so much in my life. I lost desk" - Emily deanpcmad
202 "The only creamy boi I like is ice cream" - Emily deanpcmad
201 Emily - "Consider me warmed up and ready for action" mspeachyxo
200 "Where is everybody? AHHHH" - Emily deanpcmad
199 "What about a big, thick Sharpie between the cheeks?" -Emily deanpcmad
198 Philbert - "My nipples explode with delight!" mspeachyxo
197 "Can you get me some water, I can't go in dry" - Emily deanpcmad
196 "I would unhinge my jaw and *aahhhhh* consume" - Emily deanpcmad
195 "I'd live in Camden. I'm a right twat" - Fred deanpcmad
194 "Thank god that wasn't my ass crease" - Emily deanpcmad
193 "I really don't want to put it in my mouth" - Emily deanpcmad
192 "What the fuck... I just dislocated my face" - Emily deanpcmad

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