FlorenceBot for DeadFred

Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in DeadFred's chat.

Number Quote Game Quoted By
49 "we literally changed that in the first week bc you yelled at me... FOR YOU YOU BELL ENDS" - tdrobbo deanpcmad
48 "If feels big but it's actually small" - Emily deanpcmad
47 "That's a nice looking knob.... wait...." - Emily deanpcmad
46 "I'm ready to kill some fish" - Emily every time she plays Minecraft deanpcmad
45 "I'm getting my arse eaten.... WOAH, that's not what I meant" - Emily deanpcmad
44 "How did I get none of that tail action?" - Emily deanpcmad
43 "You have to follow first you spoon!" - Emily deanpcmad
42 "I'm dyslexic, you bastard!" - Em deanpcmad
41 "Oh what do you want, bowl cut?" - Emily deanpcmad
40 "go get yourself a wet shower" - Fred deanpcmad
39 "Oh, I am aroused by myself!" - Emily deanpcmad
38 "Stop tagging me in NVidia shit, I don't careeeee" - Emily deanpcmad
37 "Not to overreact but CUNT" - Emily deanpcmad
36 "Bollocks, I love bollocks." - Em bt26
35 """Semin in the box" never gets old." -Freddy, 9th of October 2010 c222
34 "Pull a Biden? What, forget my own name?" - Emily deanpcmad
33 "This stream is slowly becoming 'Emily licks things'" - Emily deanpcmad
32 "Tier 3 subs get added to my Obituary" - Em deanpcmad
31 "You RPG fucking wang bucket" - Em deanpcmad
30 "Custard can go fuck itself" - Em deanpcmad

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