FlorenceBot for DeadFred

Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in DeadFred's chat.

Number Quote Game Quoted By
1931 "I got hit in the helmet" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
1930 DEAN - "I can do on the backend" Just Chatting mspeachyxo
1929 "He !top'ed me. Wait, that sounds wrong" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
1928 TheWildLemons " @mspeachyxo would you like another butthole? here's mine BROWS " Arena Breakout: Infinite mspeachyxo
1927 Deets - *waves butthole* Arena Breakout: Infinite mspeachyxo
1926 "You've lost your butthole, peach?" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1925 "I'm going to give this gun a semi" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1924 "The vein in my forehead is pulsing" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1923 "I'm the worst tiktok streamer" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1922 "I'm so depressingly straight - I look at a guy and I'm like eurgh" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite RhiLou32
1921 "shows mspeachyxo his butthole" - @deanpcmad Arena Breakout: Infinite J3tstorm
1920 "Twitch stole my butthole again Madge" - @mspeachyxo Arena Breakout: Infinite J3tstorm
1919 "We're going in dry today, dude" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1918 "subby wubbys for being based" - Deets99 Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1917 "Fred went full wrist deep to loot that guy" - J3tstorm Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1916 "Stop messaging me, leave me alone!" - Emily Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1915 "I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm a dumb bitch" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite deanpcmad
1914 "Peachy's going round patting chests like little bongos" - Fred Arena Breakout: Infinite RhiLou32
1913 "Love me a big scroll"- Emily Hades II J3tstorm
1912 "ZEUS! hold me in your big arms!" - Emily Hades II J3tstorm

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