FlorenceBot for DeadFred

Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in DeadFred's chat.

Number Quote Game Quoted By
2243 "I'm not eating human meat yet!"- Fred DayZ J3tstorm
2242 "Sounded like a Zombie eating pussy wtf??"- Fred DayZ J3tstorm
2241 Shelby - "bad fingering" The Last of Us Part I mspeachyxo
2240 "If you go live again ima say I had a Fred and Em triple sammich Ngl" - @mspeachyxo Just Chatting J3tstorm
2239 Fred: "I can't stand plebs". shlebydoo: "dont be mean to sheldon fred" Just Chatting deanpcmad
2238 "na always been wham bam 2 minutes if that…story of my life" - @SilenceSheldon Just Chatting J3tstorm
2237 "I will put anything between 2 pieces of bread and eat it" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
2236 "just crapped out a full, intact, undigested pea" - @soops_oneill The Last of Us Part I J3tstorm
2235 "Lurkers are the dick bone of Twitch" - Fred The Last of Us Part I deanpcmad
2234 "I love gobblin loot and ass"- Fred The Last of Us Part I J3tstorm
2233 "One does not pull out."- @SilenceSheldon The Last of Us Part I J3tstorm
2232 Fred - "The driver of this vehicle likes your boobies" The Last of Us Part I mspeachyxo
2231 "Imagine a gash for a face" - Fred The Last of Us Part I deanpcmad
2230 "That walking FleshLight needs to fuck off" - NOELonPC The Last of Us Part I deanpcmad
2229 "NAH FUCK THAT Birmingham sounds more pleasurable than that" - mspeachyxo DayZ deanpcmad
2228 "I ain't clicking on tiktok I just spent £90 on it KEKW " - mspeachyxo DayZ deanpcmad
2227 "Largest diameter cock"- Fred DayZ J3tstorm
2226 "10 years of development and the game still crashes" - Fred DayZ deanpcmad
2225 "Shall I eat his meat?"- Fred DayZ J3tstorm
2224 "Wank and a nap. Good for the soul" - Fred Alien: Isolation deanpcmad

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