FlorenceBot for DeadFred

Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in DeadFred's chat.

Number Quote Game Quoted By
482 "That was the most nourishing head" - Emily Raft deanocodes
481 "People will do a surprising amount for a fiver" - Emily Raft deanocodes
480 Fred - "Emily's Food last night was so good you'd have nutted on the spot" Raft mspeachyxo
479 "Bitch, detect THESE NUTS" - Emily Stray deanpcmad
478 "When a man's butt fails him, the world cries." -Fred Stray j3tstorm
477 "I was just trollin' it's not a dick don't take it so hard oshiSip " - Peachy Lost Ark deanpcmad
476 Emily to Fred - "You can be a light wanker, there's no harm" Just Chatting mspeachyxo
475 Fred - "I can fit so much in ma ass" The Cycle: Frontier mspeachyxo
474 Fred - "The reward chat, for going in a random hole" The Cycle: Frontier mspeachyxo
473 "I fear they've confiscated your gun due to incompetence" - Emily to Fred theHunter: Call of the Wild deanpcmad
472 "The nose needs what it needs." - Fred theHunter: Call of the Wild mspeachyxo
471 Emily - "Get your shark arse outta ma face" Raft mspeachyxo
470 Emily - " Like be an arsehole but don't expect me to pat you on the back" Raft mspeachyxo
469 "holy what the fuck fuck" - Fred Raft deanpcmad
468 "I got mad wood." - Emily Raft mspeachyxo
467 Emily - "I win you lose, suck it" Raft mspeachyxo
466 Emily: "Who am I milking on this raft?!". Fred: "Meeee? oshiCreep " Raft deanpcmad
465 "I make-a the mistake-a ItalianHands " - Emily Raft deanpcmad
464 "100% gay for mermaids" - Emily Raft deanpcmad
463 Meganyy - "after seeing these photos I now AM mad i am not in consideration for the threeway" Just Chatting mspeachyxo

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