
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 1841-1860 of 1943 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
104 "Put it in, it's jiggling" - Emily deanpcmad
103 "Servers still up, suck my balls" - Emily deanpcmad
102 "oh my god yours are tiny!" - Emily to Fred. Kappa deanpcmad
101 "Do you guys want to see my pee jug?" - Fred deanpcmad
100 "Can't deny a bit of willie" - Emily deanpcmad
99 "Oh lord, I'm getting sucked" - Fred deanpcmad
98 "Oh, you've got wood" - Emily deanpcmad
97 "You bought a bottle of water? You know we have a tap?" Emily to Sophie deanpcmad
96 Em "the D is coming, who's gonna take it?" mspeachyxo
95 Em "I was gonna tea bag" mspeachyxo
94 "Who is shooting at me while I'm trying to remember breakfast" - Emily deanpcmad
93 "Fred, your penis is in the way" - Emily deanpcmad
92 Em - "Ah we shagged him" mspeachyxo
91 "Yo, I'm obsessed with this guy's ding dong" - Emily thejackalman
90 "We want D" - Fred deanpcmad
89 "Can I come over and help you pull out" - Em mspeachyxo
88 Em "Fred if you could get out of my arsehole, that would be delightful" mspeachyxo
87 "Oh, what a bush!" - Emily deanpcmad
86 "What you were doing with that tentacle was insane" - Emily deanpcmad
85 "I have a passion for Sausage, Em" - Fred deanpcmad

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