
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 1901-1920 of 1943 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
44 "How did I get none of that tail action?" - Emily deanpcmad
43 "You have to follow first you spoon!" - Emily deanpcmad
42 "I'm dyslexic, you bastard!" - Em deanpcmad
41 "Oh what do you want, bowl cut?" - Emily deanpcmad
40 "go get yourself a wet shower" - Fred deanpcmad
39 "Oh, I am aroused by myself!" - Emily deanpcmad
38 "Stop tagging me in NVidia shit, I don't careeeee" - Emily deanpcmad
37 "Not to overreact but CUNT" - Emily deanpcmad
36 "Bollocks, I love bollocks." - Em bt26
35 """Semin in the box" never gets old." -Freddy, 9th of October 2010 c222
34 "Pull a Biden? What, forget my own name?" - Emily deanpcmad
33 "This stream is slowly becoming 'Emily licks things'" - Emily deanpcmad
32 "Tier 3 subs get added to my Obituary" - Em deanpcmad
31 "You RPG fucking wang bucket" - Em deanpcmad
30 "Custard can go fuck itself" - Em deanpcmad
29 "AMD are the tits" - Fred deanpcmad
28 "if you have zero viewers, it means you're being a bellend" - tdrobbo deanpcmad
26 "People who watch TV bring me confusion. It's just adverts" - Em deanpcmad
25 "If you lose with this gun, it's just because you're bad" - Em to Fred deanpcmad
24 "What is this throbbing thing?" - Emily deanpcmad

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