
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 1761-1780 of 1943 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
184 Fred - " oshiN BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD" mspeachyxo
183 Emily - "I got tired of waiting, I needed some dickkk" mspeachyxo
182 Emily - "I did it" ... "I shouldn't have done that" mspeachyxo
181 "They've got good bush cover" - Fred deanpcmad
180 Emily - "That doesn't look like a hand that went in a hole" mspeachyxo
179 "it's not funny to hurl yourself off a cliff you didn't see" - Emily deanpcmad
178 "Put it in your pocket pussy" - Fred deanpcmad
177 EMILY "I've been getting head.... ALOT" mspeachyxo
176 "I've just got a sad frog looking at me" - Fred deanpcmad
175 Fred - "I forgot why I needed head" mspeachyxo
174 Emily to Fred - "Did he SHOOT me? he BLEW my bits off" mspeachyxo
173 "But do you have ✨ the touch ✨ " - Fred deanpcmad
172 Emily - "You sucka my juice out" mspeachyxo
171 Emily - "Fred stop tea bagging" mspeachyxo
170 Fred to Emily - "You ready to penetrate the hole?" mspeachyxo
169 Emily - "Ooo my arse.... fondled" mspeachyxo
168 "We need to give Ben some arsehole training" - Fred deanpcmad
167 "Give them to me, I'll put them in my slot" - Fred deanpcmad
166 Emily - "Peachy put down your bits" mspeachyxo
165 "You fucking arsehole! Where do you live, I'm going to come over there and slap your mum" - Emily deanpcmad

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