
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 1-20 of 2074 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
2074 "If I licked it, it might start fizzing" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
2073 "Wish I was baked, any of the ways" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
2072 "90 mins of boring boring england NOPERS 90 mins of Emily dangling from fred NODDERS " - J3tstorm Just Chatting deanpcmad
2071 "I caught the backend of the conversation WHERE ARE WE GOING FOR AN ORGY?" - mspeachyxo Once Human deanpcmad
2070 "how in hell can I concentrate on going from G major to F minor when Mr Johanssen in blowing a load on Molly?" - @BluesExpl0sion Once Human J3tstorm
2069 "I love battery acid" - Emily Once Human deanpcmad
2068 "I'm licking your socket" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
2067 Fred: "Are we the best? Did we just win?" *then walks around the corner to 8 zombies* Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2066 @bluesexpl0sion - "Just realized that there's a lack of sex toys being found in the bedrooms. Totally unreal." Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
2065 "Get me fucking smashed and you can have a full Brummie TTS" - RhiLou32 Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2064 Dean - " if its tiddies, then sure BOOBA " Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
2063 "Sex *is* very entertaining" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
2062 "This is definitely for orgies" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
2061 "It's been a day and I've been driven to vodka ALREADY" - mspeachyxo Chained Together deanpcmad
2060 Fred: "I'm smart you see" *proceeds to jump off* Chained Together deanpcmad
2059 "Dingle dangle, slidey widey?" - Emily Chained Together deanpcmad
2058 "nice to see fred living out his dream of being the danglier bollock" - Deets99 Chained Together deanpcmad
2057 Emily: "Three, two, ARGH no i'm stressed" Chained Together deanpcmad
2056 "I'm ready to get chained!"- Emily Chained Together J3tstorm
2055 "Its in my mouth 24/7" - @simmer095 Just Chatting J3tstorm

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