
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 1781-1800 of 1943 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
164 Emily - "Boris the bitch, Yeah I said it" oshiSip mspeachyxo
163 "He has balls the size of coconuts, he clacks as he walks" - Emily deanpcmad
162 Emily - "I'm experiencing some weird jiggery pokery" mspeachyxo
161 Emily - "I'm holding it and nothing is happening" mspeachyxo
160 Fred - "Attack Helicopter came on my face" mspeachyxo
159 "I feel like a guy having a pee" - Emily deanpcmad
158 Emily - "What the heck, I just climbed the pole" mspeachyxo
157 Emily - "I shan't be thrusted in the foot" mspeachyxo
156 Emily - "Woman! Engage your legs" mspeachyxo
155 Fred - "The penis is jizzing on me, Em" mspeachyxo
154 Fred - (Clotted cream) that..... has.... aroused me chat oshiCreep mspeachyxo
153 "All this talk of you hoeing has got me a blaze" - Emily deanpcmad
152 "Oh lawd, he suckin'" - Emily deanpcmad
151 "gaggles of knoblegs everywhere" - Fred deanpcmad
150 "I love tentacles" - Fred deanpcmad
149 Emily - "I'm like between his legs, I'm not enjoying it" mspeachyxo
148 Emily - "He's coming all the time, he's on my arse" mspeachyxo
147 Emily - SuckAFuck mspeachyxo
146 Emily "He turned up, shoved his dick in my face and fooked off" mspeachyxo
145 "My nut sense is wild now" - Emily deanpcmad

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