
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 61-80 of 2074 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
2014 "BREAKING NEWS My GF says she has a surprise and I asked if she finally bought a strap on" oshiCreep - @SessDMC Project Zomboid J3tstorm
2013 Emily - "My groin is in a vulnerable place!" Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
2012 "I love ass" - Fred Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2011 "Shitting! Actively shitting!" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2010 "What about the foot long bad dragon?" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2009 "SPIT ROAST IS NOT WHAT I'M SERVING AT MY WEDDING" - @limertilly Project Zomboid J3tstorm
2008 "Thank you for the big fist" - Fred Project Zomboid TheWooglie
2007 "Fill me up, chat" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
2006 "There's a meeting in my bed BROWS " - mspeachyxo Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2005 "Don't mind me chat, I'm just typing tiddies in all caps" - Fred Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2004 "I liked it better when vilkrin didn't join in, MY EYES" - @TheWildLemons Project Zomboid J3tstorm
2003 "Imagine it's the end of the world and you dye your hair ginger" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2002 "you're all my little cummies" - Fred Project Zomboid RhiLou32
2001 "This is now a sperm stream" - mspeachyxo Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2000 Noel - " sperm spawns in my bag…. oshiW " Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
1999 "I've just got put this sausage in my bum bag" - Fred Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1998 Dean - "lord have mercy I'm about to burst" Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
1997 "I give myself a garlic bukkakke every morning" - Emily about Fred Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1996 Noel - " oshiW im here for the gangbang " Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
1995 "Peachy loves NOOT NOOT" - @mspeachyxo Project Zomboid J3tstorm

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