
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 81-100 of 2074 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
1994 "death by penis separation" - J3tstorm Project Zomboid RhiLou32
1993 Fred - " Keep an eye on my sack chat, that's what I'll say when I've got a fansly oshiW " Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
1992 "Dean on top? he'd love that" oshiCreep - @TheWildLemons Project Zomboid J3tstorm
1991 "I'll juggle your eggs" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1990 "I like English mustard because it blasts my cock off" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1989 "i would pay very good money to see Fred in a satin negligee" - limertilly Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1988 Fred- "so we're moist, we are thirsty, we are unpleasantly hot and we are panicked." Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
1987 "The key to Monopoly is cheating" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1986 "I'm naked outside right now" - BluesExpl0sion Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1985 "Has anyone ever wondered what birds actually talk about? I swear they mocking me rn" - mspeachyxo Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1984 Dean - " brb going out the back with peachy BROWS " Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
1983 "It's America, there's got to be a gun somewhere" - Fred Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1982 "What is going on in this world? No one wants a strapless bra!" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1981 "I feel my camera is getting saggy due to disuse" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
1980 "Emily generally has her gender confirmed when she looks down" - Fred Special Events deanpcmad
1979 "Jizzus christ" - Limertilly Special Events MrDomRocks
1978 "I love listening to jizz" - Fred Special Events deanpcmad
1977 Fred - "What kind of meat d'ya have" Enshrouded mspeachyxo
1976 "Stupid sexy Groot"- @deanpcmad Just Chatting J3tstorm
1975 "I'm sat here like I'm to high for all these colours" - mspeachyxo Just Chatting deanpcmad

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