
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 41-60 of 2074 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
2034 " Pog I got a big dick" - mspeachyxo Just Chatting deanpcmad
2033 "Lemons has a big dick regardless NODDERS " - TheWildLemons Just Chatting deanpcmad
2032 Emily - "What's the case? Do you want banging or not?" Just Chatting mspeachyxo
2031 "F to everyone who isn't me" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
2030 "Oh the front door's open. Fred's defo been here" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2029 "I'll ban everyone who disagrees with me" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2028 "when Fred's not listening, I will clip this to his nipple" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2027 "The hubby keeps trying to make me play DayZ, I'd rather die tbh" - mspeachyxo Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2026 "i wanted him to die violently in that episode" - J3tstorm talking about Ed Sheeran in GoT Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2025 "I've just joined but amen, this is the national anthem for all nations" - TickleDucks, coming into chat to Timber playing Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2024 "Oh bollock off, I'm listening to a nice song" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2023 "Keep my head in a jar to ask me questions, but eat the rest of me NODDERS " - RhiLou32 Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2022 "baby boy, one finger aint enough" - Deets99 Project Zomboid RhiLou32
2021 Peachy: "Norwich has a riverside". Emily: "yes it does, and it's shit" Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2020 Deets to Emily - " can u show me how good u are at splitting? BROWS " Project Zomboid mspeachyxo
2019 "I'm a traditional woman, give me a toe to suck" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2018 "i wonder if i could stuff an entire fresh pineapple down the ol gullet" - AlianaPlays Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2017 "Fresh milk from the zombies trousers" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad
2016 "we're not here for the gaming, we're here for the slootin" - @swyll Project Zomboid J3tstorm
2015 "Situation unclear, I may be naked" - Emily Project Zomboid deanpcmad

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