
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 201-220 of 2074 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
1874 Emily - "We're logging big time" Manor Lords mspeachyxo
1873 "He's got the plague. KILL HIM" - Emily Manor Lords deanpcmad
1872 "Emily's got the dominant bell" - Fred Manor Lords RhiLou32
1871 "my bell's bigger" - Emily Manor Lords RhiLou32
1870 "It's so grating, I feel like a parmesan" - Fred Manor Lords deanpcmad
1869 "TEQUILA ALL ROUND" - mspeachyxo Manor Lords deanpcmad
1868 "I'm Gooning" - mspeachyxo Just Chatting deanpcmad
1867 "It's important to be moist" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
1866 "I may look bad but my wall still looks nice" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
1865 "It sounds like a TERRIBLE idea, and I'm here for it" - RhiLou32 No Rest for the Wicked deanpcmad
1864 "Don't look at my cheeks!" - Emily No Rest for the Wicked deanpcmad
1863 "We're playing mega sword, baps out mode" - Emily No Rest for the Wicked deanpcmad
1862 "For £31 you can buy a game that is worth £31. For £65 you can see a youtube video that isn't worth £65 oshiYes " - TheWildLemons No Rest for the Wicked deanpcmad
1861 "Scarface, you suck" - Fred No Rest for the Wicked deanpcmad
1860 "PEACHY AND MOOSES. THREESOME?" - limertilly Just Chatting deanpcmad
1859 "I'd rather ram chopsticks down my pee pee hole than play tarkov" - SessDMC Just Chatting deanpcmad
1858 "Show a bit of puss and get loads of subscribers" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
1857 KHmp1 - "I'd do it for a dairylea" No Rest for the Wicked mspeachyxo
1856 ScottyDoggy1969 - " Pull my lever oshiGlare " No Rest for the Wicked mspeachyxo
1855 "Sounds like half the lasses in barnsley on a saturday night. Wet and nasty lmao" - Deets99 No Rest for the Wicked deanpcmad

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