
Chat Quotes

These are a list of quotes that can be used in chat

Displaying items 221-240 of 2074 in total
Number Quote Game Quoted By
1854 "ooo, it's vibrating" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
1853 "We love huge deposits, chat" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
1852 "Props to me and me alone" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
1851 "Audiences only care about one thing. It's Florence" - Mellow Just Chatting deanpcmad
1850 "butt wiggling time dittoDumper " - TheWildLemons Just Chatting deanpcmad
1849 noelonpc - "and he'll whip his dick out.... get us banned and move to kick" The Game of Sisyphus mspeachyxo
1848 "The problem last time was, I got blown" - Fred The Game of Sisyphus RhiLou32
1847 "Dongers up, chat" - Emily The Game of Sisyphus deanpcmad
1846 "Just make sure not to super glue them balls to anything...again" - thunduz The Game of Sisyphus RhiLou32
1845 "@deets99 haha jokes on you I was already slow derp" - @sessdmc The Game of Sisyphus J3tstorm
1844 "You gotta take advantage of when its up!" - Fred The Game of Sisyphus RhiLou32
1843 "Sir thomas can even push huge balls"- @mspeachyxo The Game of Sisyphus J3tstorm
1842 "3 pound songs? Wish I was getting pounded BROWS er wat oshiE " - TheWildlemons Frostpunk 2 deanpcmad
1841 "Jokes on you, I already got crabs" - sessdmc Frostpunk 2 deanpcmad
1840 "This is a reminder chat that if you come help me move on saturday you'll all be treated to one, medium sized dominos carbonara pizza... to share" - sessdmc Frostpunk 2 deanpcmad
1839 "The goods are good dittoDumper " - mspeachyxo Frostpunk 2 deanpcmad
1838 "Everyone is at least 3 steps away from villainy" - RhiLou32 Frostpunk 2 deanpcmad
1837 "We're about to bumper sticker my arse" - Emily Just Chatting deanpcmad
1836 "I'm not whipping my cock out" - Fred Just Chatting deanpcmad
1835 "I'm just hungry and excited" - Emily Stardew Valley deanpcmad

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